Before Baby Arrives

Wondering what to expect before, during, and after your newborn session? I’ve compiled some information here that I hope will help you feel prepared for our session time together!

My sessions are a fusion of gently, naturally posed newborn portraits, and lifestyle inspired newborn + family images. I bring a few props for the former, and the latter will use whatever settings and decor are available in your home.

I’ll ask for a quick daylight pic of any rooms we may use (living room, bedroom(s), nursery), so I can get an idea of lighting and settings. Decide if you want to include a special or sentimental item, such as a handmade quilt or blanket, Moses basket or bassinet, or a favorite swaddle blanket.

Consider booking a maturity session, which usually takes place around 32-35 weeks. This is a great way to commemorate your pregnancy, and for us to get acquainted before your newborn session.

When Baby Arrives

Email within a few days of baby’s birth to schedule. The session can be done anytime in the first 4 weeks, contrary to popular belief there’s no universal “best” age.

Day Before Session ~ In-home

Prepare rooms we may use for family lifestyle images (living room, bedroom(s), nursery) – no need to deep clean, but declutter by clearing extraneous items from tables/counters. Remove anything you don’t want to show in your photos, such as toys, cords, Kleenex, dishes/bottles, magazines, etc.



Plan for the session to last about 2 hrs. Open blinds/curtains, turn off overhead lights and lamps, and make beds. Set your thermostat to a bit warmer than usual. Babies usually sleep better if they’ve had a chance to build up some sleep inertia, so try to have some awake time in the few hours beforehand. Giving baby a bath is a great way to get them ready for a long snooze.


I’ll take a few minutes to set up – this is a good time to offer baby a feeding. Take baby down to a diaper and wrap them in a warm blanket prior to feeding so they’re ready to go afterwards. We will also break as needed during the shoot for feedings, soothing, diaper changes, etc.

Your session will include a mix of solo baby and baby + family photos. If baby is sleepy at the start, we will do baby only first.

Solo Baby:

Baby will be photographed lying on blankets, either on a bed or a large newborn poser. I may use your bedding and will also bring blankets. If possible I will use available light, but I also bring additional lighting and light modifiers to use if needed. I supply everything for these photos (except the bed). If you have specific requests (colors, poses, accessories, etc.), please let me know ahead of time. I will dress baby in simple newborn-sized outfits, swaddle, or cover with a blanket. Posing is natural and baby-led, with baby’s safety and comfort as the top priority. Some babies are more tolerant of being posed than others – I won’t spend a lot of time cajoling a fussy baby into sleepy poses, as this is stressful for them and you. A baby simply swaddled or awake is just as beautiful, so we will follow baby’s lead to keep them content and minimize stress.

Baby + Family:

These photos are done in the nursery, on a bed, and/or in the living room. I will guide you through poses and interactions with baby and parent(s), baby and sibling(s), and the whole family. We can wrap or dress baby in an item I bring, or an outfit/swaddle of your own.


I post a sneak peek from each session on social media, usually within a day or two – feel free to tag yourself and share! You will be able to view and download the rest of your images 2 weeks after your session date. I will email you a link to the images as soon as they are ready.

I’m looking forward to meeting your new little one soon! If you have any questions, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

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p o r t f o l i o