bio picture
  • Welcome!!

    So glad you're here! I'd like to tell you a bit about myself. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 18 years and we have two beautiful daughters, ages 13 and 15. I attended Columbia College and received a degree in Graphic Design. I worked as a graphic design manager for 7 years at the Illinois CPA Society where I designed their Magazine INSIGHT. My love for photography was always there but had to wait...

    On April 28, 2008 my daughter who was then almost 3 was diagnosed with ALL a form of Leukemia. As you can imagine that was a life changing moment to say the least. Through all the tears and heartache of watching your daughter go through intense chemotherapy and missing out on so many things—I have learned to treasure memories even more then ever. I just love
    taking precious pictures of children and families—the idea that these pictures will be looked
    at for generations to come is such an honor to me!!

    So here I am doing something I LOVE—capturing beautiful moments!

    If you’d like to receive new blog entries through email be sure to subscribe with the link above. Thanks!

    Amy Marshall
    Photographer & Graphic Designer


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    M A M photos and designs

{happy} easter

A HUGE THANK YOU!!! to all the wonderful families that came out for {Easter} sessions.
Had a ton of fun catching those beautiful smiles and hilarious faces!! LOVE IT!

All links and DVDs are out ~ so please let me know if you DO NOT receive your DVD~ our mail system is not always the best unfortunately.

Still time to book mini’s for April 11th!!!
{Vintage} Tea Party for the ladies
{Superhero} Dudes for the gentlemen

Lots coming up this spring!!!! can’t wait!!!
~1st Communions
~senior pictures!!!!!

Have a great day!!!!



{valentine’s} mini’s ~ January 31st!

Happy New Year!!!

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season with friends and family!
2014 was a wonderful year for me!!! Got to go on a vacation with all my besties in May and also took an AWESOME vacation to Florida with my lovely family in October!!
We bought a “summer home” AKA a camper!! LOL the kids love it and it forces us to spend some good ole quality time as a family!! We don’t go far and it’s a ton of work~ but it’s all about memories!! =priceless
It also forces me to spend at least one weekend a month with the family~I’m always working!

My computer took a “pooh” forcing me to buy my new 27″ iMac baby which I love!!!!! The timing wasn’t the best but such is life!! Merry Christmas to me!!

This year my hubby turns 40 in May!!! Nashville here we come!!!!
YEEKES I’m next in 2016! Life is good and I want to thank all my clients, friends and family that help support me always!!!!

So here’s to 2015 bring it on!!!!!

I’m currently working on a mini session schedule for the year! SO STAY TUNED!!! But here is info on valentine’s mini’s!

{valentine’s} mini sessions~ January 31st
20-25 minutes
12-17 photos w/release on DVD and upload link
timeline cover

Please contact me to book!!! I will be discounting the next person who books~$50 off!! Better hurry!!!!

708.670.1494 text email

Thanks and have a great day!!!




{merry} christmas

Hello!! Can’t believe that it’s December already!!!! Where does the time go???

WOW I’ve had an amazingly busy fall~holiday season!! Thank you to all the families that continue to come back for pictures from year to year~ I truly appreciate your support!! My business has thrived on your referrals & support and I cannot thank you enough!
I would like to offer to my existing clients a discount on your photo shoot in 2015~ so if you book your spring~summer  FULL session before the end of the year I’m offering $50 off. I am also continuing my BLACK FRIDAY special on gift cards~ I will add an extra $25 to any amount gift card!!!

Ok so I’ve talked too much and need to get back to editing (ha ha)~ I mean it is 3:00 in the morning what am I thinking!!!! LOL

Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones!!!

Thank you!!!Amy

Enjoy these cuties:

{class of 2015} book your fall sessions!

Hello All!!!

Can’t believe summer is closing in~~kids go back to school tomorrow!!! Looking forward to the fall season!
Fall is the perfect time to have your graduating senior pictures taken!

I still have a few mini sessions left for Fall Family mini’s on October 25th and November 1st Tree Farm mini’s.  I have also opened up Studio Christmas mini’s on November 22nd!!!! Please contact me to book!!!!




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